Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"Ron Polarik" Continues to Rewrite History

After being all but silent on the Townhall blog for the better part of a year, "Polarik" yesterday offered up a huge revelation:
It's Official! Hawaii never issued Obama's 2007 Certification of Live Birth

Last year, while working on my final report, Obama's Born Conspiracy, I called Hawaii's DOH and asked to speak directly to Dr. Alvin Onaka, the Hawaii State Registrar and Head of the Office of Health Status Monitoring (OSHM), of which Vital Records is a part. I posed as a writer doing geneology research, knowing that if I portrayed myself as yet another investigator seeking information on Obama's birth records, that I would be immediately shot down. Strictly speaking, I was collecting vital record information on Obama's heritage, after all...

Then, I slipped in the the following question. I asked him if Janice Okubo had confirmed that his office produced a 2007 Certification of Live Birth, date-stamped June 6, 2007, with Obama's birth information on it, and he quickly replied:

"Absolutely not. No one in our office confirmed it."

That promptly ended the conversation as Dr. Onaka was not going to respond to any more questions from me. Since then, Hawaii has not answered anymore questions about Obama's birth record from anyone.

First off, it's important to point out that "Polarik"s story doesn't match up with "Polarik"s headline. If we take the story at face value and as fully true, he still fails to claim that anyone in Hawaii admitted they didn't issue it. He claims Onaka denied that anyone had previously confirmed it, and he specifically bolds the portion that he apparently finds significant, but he does NOT claim that Onaka actually disputed issuing it.

So "Polarik" can't even write a headline without getting something wrong. But that's not what I want to focus on.

No, I want to draw attention to a parenthetical of "Polarik":
(BTW, I noted this conversation in an earlier comment, on

Clearly, an attempt by "Polarik" to head off the obvious question of "Why hasn't he ever mentioned this conversation from last fall before now?" So in anticipation, he cites the best evidence he has, a post he made...on June 16. Last month. Not exactly "last year," when he claims the conversation took place.

However, the fact that "Polarik" has suddenly claimed that this event happened nine months ago allows us yet another opportunity to demonstrate how malleable history is for Mr. "Polarik." First off, let's consider all the times that "Polarik" has actually shared this conversation:

June 16, 2009 - "Last October, I spoke directly with Hawaii's State Registrar and head of Vital Records, Dr. Alvin Onaka, about an image showing what is called a, "Certification of Live Birth," or COLB and he confirmed what my research proved: that Obama's COLB, dated June 6,2007, was never released to anyone by the State of Hawaii."

July 8, 2009 - "Last year, I spoke with the Hawaii State Registrar, himself, Dr. Alvin T. Onaka, who provided me with the following bit of information. When I asked him if Janice Okubo had confirmed that his office produced a 2007 COLB, date-stamped June 6, 2007, with Obama's birth information on it. He said, 'Absolutely not. No one in our office confirmed it.'"

July 14, 2009 - "Last year, while working on my final report, Obama's Born Conspiracy, I called Hawaii's DOH and asked to speak directly to Dr. Alvin Onaka, the Hawaii State Registrar and Head of the Office of Health Status Monitoring (OSHM), of which Vital Records is a part. I posed as a writer doing geneology research, knowing that if I portrayed myself as yet another investigator seeking information on Obama's birth records, that I would be immediately shot down..." He goes on to describe an extended conversation where Onaka allegedly answered several pedantic questions about Hawaiian vital records before allegedly answering the Obama question and THEN hanging up.

Notice that in just the last month, the story of the conversation has gotten longer and more dramatic.

More curiously, for a conversation that "Polarik" now considers to be so groundbreaking and revelatory, it's strange that he never mentioned it prior to June. Maybe it's just that the opportunity to talk about Mr. Onaka never presented itself.

If only that were true:

November 22, 2008 - "In fact, if the name matches one on file, all you will get back is about the same as what Directors Fukino and Onaka said about Obama -- that a birth record exists."


"[IMPORTANT NOTICE] On Oct 31, 2008, the Directors of Health (Fukino) and Vital Statistics (Onaka) in Hawaii confirmed that there is a "birth record" for Obama in this database."

*No mention of the alleged October conversation with Mr. Onaka.*

December 18, 2008 - "Quote: Health Department Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino said today she and the registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, have personally verified that the health department holds Obama's original birth certificate. (True, but Lie#5 based on how [Krawetz] used it)"

*No mention of the alleged October conversation with Mr. Onaka.*

December 29, 2008 - "The following points come from my conversations with Vital Records staff and the State registrar, Alvin Onaka..."

*No mention of the alleged October conversation with Mr. Onaka.*

January 26, 2009 - "I spoke with the State Registrar, Alvin Onaka, back in July, and one of the things I asked him was if Hawaii followed the Census guidelines for race classifications. Call him yourself if you want to know what he told me."

*No mention of the alleged October conversation with Mr. Onaka.*

Yes, apparently "Polarik" wants us to believe that he had some kind of astonishing conversation with Mr. Onaka a whole nine months ago that completely validates his argument, and he simply completely failed to mention it until now, even when he wrote his 'Final Report,' even when he was talking about Mr. Onaka, and even when he was talking about other conversations he supposedly had with Mr. Onaka.

Frankly, after so many alleged calls to Mr. Onaka during the middle of 2008, I'm half-surprised that Onaka wouldn't start to recognize the voice on the other end of the phone. I'm sure he gets a lot of calls, but how many can he get from mainland folks wanting details on things like COLB borders and seal placement?

Who knows, maybe "Polarik" really did call Onaka in October. But if he did, you can rest assured that Onaka didn't say anything to validate "Polarik"s work. Because if he had, you would've heard about it long before now. And if you trust "Polarik" to accurately recall a conversation from nine months ago, remember that he couldn't accurately recall his own comments about TechDude, his own academic credentials, or even his own father's name over much shorter timespans.

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